12:49 AM


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Saturday, August 12, 2006

The following are my favorite five photos for JULY'S Favorite Five photo challenge... look for August pics soon!! =) And play along!

the bridge down the road

fireworks, of course

my hybiscus

...and another rose pic

schatzi - acting like a cat

said at 9:14 AM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My June Favorite Five...
Won't you play along?? =)

schatzi looking out the front door

one of my roses; yes MY roses!

the husband and daughter putting up the gazebo

my sister's little garden buddy

...and yet another sunset

said at 12:01 AM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My Favorite Five for May...

the bridge on our road; they're replacing it

flowers in front of my mom's house

they're also replacing this overpass; also by our house

you can never enjoy too many sunrises!

...or sunsets!

said at 5:08 PM

Sunday, March 26, 2006

And now for my 5 favorite photos taken from 2.15.06 through 3.15.06.....If YOU want to play, go visit Favorite Five! I didn't realize it until I started uploading my photos; all my pictures this month are weather-related. =)

taken on 3.11.06 in my mom's backyard

frost, frost, everywhere!

can you guess what these icicles are hanging from?br>

...and more icicles

a sunrise in very dense fog

said at 11:04 PM

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Here are my 5 favorite pics taken between January 15 and February 15, for the photo meme Favorite Five... If you'd like to participate, just click that link! =)

morning frost


my computer desk

HUGE snowdrift

Snowfest sculpture

said at 11:17 PM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ok, so I'm a couple of months late, but here they are! 26 Things ~ November 2005

(no, i did not go here; it was a poster on our wall at work!)

framed (our house)

headwear (a life-size toy soldier)

wrinkles (someone's shirt)

(this wall is out in the hallway at work)

in season (beautiful, but cold!)

upside down (i know, boring!)

behind (i won't tell whose)

not allowed (get it?)

next to
(my daughter put this together)

(my daughter on christmas morn)

almost empty (my morning coffee)

a fridge (my mommi's fridge)

(ribbon left over from packages)

numbered (a clock in frankenmuth)

stickers (yes, stamps!)

up/down (2 elephants up/1 down)

today's paper (the funnies)

electrical (our circuit box)

(schatzi thinks he's cool sitting on the couch)

underneath (the icicle)

(this should have been a bigger deal)

a portrait (the nun and the bishop)

shapes (circles)

out of place
(a fall arrangement in the middle of winter)

let go (don't let go!)

said at 8:18 PM

~ more stuff ~

* my home *

* my blog *

* my clocks *

* ottos adoptables *

* my stamp shop *

* stamp adoptables *

* my blinkies I *

* my blinkies II *

* my mini blinkies *

* my blinkie calendars *

* my blinkie racks *

* my moody bears *

* my mug collection *

* my friendship wall *

* blogalicous buttons *

* my photo blog *

* monday madness *

* ottos blinkie tut I *

* ottos blinkie tut II *

* my blog signs *

* mood faces by otto *

* my 26 things III *

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